Paessler PRTG

Comprehensive IaaS monitoring for cloud providers & companies

  • Keep an eye on the infrastructure in the cloud when using IaaS
  • Maintain the performance & availability of software
  • Quickly detect service issues & bottlenecks
  • Maximize customer satisfaction & productivity

Our users give top ratings for monitoring with Paessler PRTG




Get started with IaaS monitoring with PRTG and discover how our software makes your IT infrastructure more reliable and your work easier.



The importance of IaaS monitoring for cloud providers & companies


IaaS monitoring for cloud providers

When it comes to IaaS, cloud providers and companies have clearly defined responsibilities. Cloud providers are responsible for the hardware (including troubleshooting), as well as for optimizing the power supply and cooling systems. In addition, they must ensure their cloud is always available.

As a cloud provider, you can keep a constant eye on all the components of an IT infrastructure with PRTG IaaS monitoring software:

IaaS monitoring for companies

Among other things, IT teams at companies focus on the following things when using IaaS:

  • Ensuring operating systems, software, and applications are running smoothly
  • Managing user and access rights to IT resources
  • Optimizing the security of the system
  • Guaranteeing compliance with all data protection standards & guidelines

Even if you outsource your IT infrastructure to the cloud, you should still keep an eye on the performance and availability of your applications. Positive user experiences are important for keeping customers happy and increasing business productivity among employees.

With IaaS monitoring by PRTG, you can quickly identify the bottlenecks, dips in performance, and service issues that may be impairing your network.


The challenge: Fulfilling the requirements of a good monitoring tool

Always consider the following points when shopping for an infrastructure monitoring tool:


Can the tool monitor every aspect of your infrastructure?

Infrastructures are made up of many different components, including a network, storage devices, physical and virtual servers, and on-premises and cloud applications. It’s therefore vital that you choose a tool that monitors all these components from one central server.

Can the tool monitor the components of different manufacturers?

Depending on your needs, the components of your infrastructure may stem from a variety of different manufacturers. An IaaS monitoring tool should be able to monitor (by default) components such as systems, network devices, services, and applications, regardless of the manufacturer or provider.

Does the tool come with intuitive & customizable user interfaces?

Your IaaS monitoring tool should not only be easy to install and set up, but also simple and intuitive to use. Customizable dashboards make it easy to view and analyze monitoring data, identify problem areas, and increase employee productivity.

Does the tool send customizable notifications?

If monitored values fall outside a specified range, then alerts must be sent to the respective IT teams in real time via a variety of notification methods (email, SMS, etc.). This allows the teams to quickly respond to errors and prevent downtime and other failures.




The solution: Comprehensive IaaS monitoring with PRTG


PRTG is a cross-vendor, all-in-one monitoring tool that consolidates data from any on-premises, hybrid, or cloud environment and presents this data in structured, customizable dashboards.

With PRTG, you can identify and eliminate infrastructure-related problems before they become critical – or cause your systems to go down altogether. If a problem arises, PRTG immediately sends you an alert (e.g., via email, SMS, or push notification), which can be configured to your own individual liking.

PRTG makes data secure, prevents system crashes & downtime, increases customer satisfaction, and saves money.









Get started with IaaS monitoring with PRTG and discover how our software makes your IT infrastructure more reliable and your work easier.


Your IaaS monitoring in real time




IT experts agree: Paessler PRTG is a great solution for IT infrastructure monitoring


“All-around winning
network monitor”

logo it brief

“The real beauty of PRTG is the endless possibilities it offers”


“PRTG Network Monitor
is very hard to beat”


PRTG is compatible with all major vendors, products, and systems

vendors applications blue



Your IaaS monitoring at a glance – even while on the go!

Set up PRTG in minutes and use it on almost any mobile device.


PRTG comes with all the features you need, plus more your IT infrastructure won't want to live without.



PRTG monitors these vendors and applications in one view!


vendors vm ware



Get started with IaaS monitoring with PRTG and discover how our software makes your IT infrastructure more reliable and your work easier.



24/7 infrastructure monitoring with PRTG: Important for IaaS monitoring, and much more

Improve the reliability of your IT system

Improve the reliability of your IT system

PRTG monitors your entire IT infrastructure around the clock, and continually keeps you up to date on the status and performance of (all) your systems. As a result, you can promptly identify issues (before users notice them) and improve the quality of your customer service. If a system crashes, you can quickly determine the cause and fix the problem.

Ressourcen effizient planen & Kosten senken

Optimize resources & save money

The monitoring data collected over the course of a day (or other set time) can help you determine when your IT infrastructure is under heavy strain and when demand drops. Example: if certain servers are underutilized, then you can use them for other tasks. PRTG lets you optimize your resources and only invest in new resources when it’s absolutely necessary.

Ensure the security of your system 

Ensure the security of your system

An infrastructure monitoring service like PRTG provides you with insight into critical performance indicators which enable you to detect network attacks, suspicious activity, and much more. As a result, you can immediately respond to threats and quickly take measures to prevent issues that affect security.


4 good reasons to choose PRTG Hosted Monitor as your IaaS monitoring tool

With IaaS, your infrastructure is in the cloud. Your company therefore doesn’t need its own data center. Nevertheless, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises (such as slow applications or unavailable servers), IaaS monitoring is a must. With our cloud-based product “PRTG Hosted Monitor,” you can keep your costs low and avoid infrastructure-related problems by taking advantage of cloud-based monitoring.


Automation of routine tasks

PRTG Hosted Monitor automates the monitoring of cloud-based infrastructures (e.g., IaaS), and relieves IT teams of routine and recurring tasks. The hours you’ll save can be used for other important tasks, such as capacity planning. Monitoring with software is always more efficient than doing it yourself: PRTG IaaS monitoring runs in the background – 24/7 and without a hitch.

Hosting and maintenance by Paessler

The advantage of PRTG Hosted Monitor: the monitoring solution isn’t installed in your network. Instead, it’s hosted by Paessler and runs in the cloud. That means we install all PRTG updates ourselves. You won’t have to worry about updating or maintenance. Potential security flaws are also resolved at once. Since we perform regular backups, your data is always safe – and never gets lost.

Flexible subscriptions for optimal cost efficiency

PRTG Hosted Monitor is a subscription-based service. You can modify your subscription as your IT infrastructure grows or your need for IT resources declines. You can upgrade or downgrade at any time (between 5 subscription models) to continually optimize costs. PRTG Hosted Monitor not only lets you control your IT infrastructure, but also your IT budget.

Monitor every aspect of your infrastructure

In order to obtain a transparent, 360-degree overview of your cloud-based infrastructure, you need a comprehensive tool that covers every aspect of IaaS monitoring.

PRTG Hosted Monitor provides detailed information on the status of your physical, virtual, or hybrid infrastructure. The monitoring solution monitors more than just the performance of cloud services. It also visualizes the following in real time:

  • Bandwidth
  • Data traffic
  • System status
  • And much more


Thanks to its many features, PRTG Hosted Monitor is ideal for a wide range of monitoring needs.


PRTG makes your job easier

Our monitoring software frees you to focus on other tasks by promptly notifying you of potential issues.


time white

Save effort

PRTG gives you one central monitoring tool for your servers and entire network. Enjoy a quick overview of your whole infrastructure via our dashboard and app.

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Save time

Getting started with PRTG is a breeze. Setting up or switching from another network monitoring tool is easy thanks to the auto-discovery and pre-configured device templates.

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Save money

80% of our customers report substantial cost savings with network monitoring. Your costs of licenses will likely pay for themselves within weeks.



Get started with IaaS monitoring with PRTG and discover how our software makes your IT infrastructure more reliable and your work easier.


PRTG the multi-tool

PRTG: The multi-tool for sysadmins

Adapt PRTG individually and dynamically to your needs and rely on a strong API:

  • HTTP API: Access monitoring data and manipulate monitoring objects via HTTP requests
  • Custom sensors: Create your own PRTG sensors for customized monitoring
  • Custom notifications: Create your own notifications and send action triggers to external systems
  • REST Custom sensor: Monitor almost everything that provides data in XML or JSON format


“Easy to implement and configure with good technical support.”

R. v. S., ICT Manager at Heinen & Hopman Eng BV


Create innovative solutions with Paessler’s partners

Partnering with innovative vendors, Paessler unleashes synergies to create
new and additional benefits for joined customers.


Easily integrate Amazon's Cloud Watch out of the box into your complete network monitoring by a few mouse clicks.

Read more

mioty alliance

Paessler is member of the mioty alliance, composed of companies that use mioty to create innovative IoT and IIoT solutions such as the retrofitting of industrial environments.

Read more


Rhebo and PRTG offer a comprehensive monitoring solution for IT and OT environments: from condition monitoring through to anomaly and threat detection.

Read more


Get started with IaaS monitoring with PRTG and discover how our software makes your IT infrastructure more reliable and your work easier.



We asked: would you recommend PRTG?
Over 95% of our customers say yes!


Paessler conducted trials in over 600 IT departments worldwide to tune its network monitoring software closer to the needs of sysadmins.
The result of the survey: over 95% of the participants would recommend PRTG – or already have.


Recommend PRTG


quote case study total uptime 2

“First, PRTG gives us the insight we need, telling us what is happening across our global network at any given moment. Second, the improved insight has increased our availability.“

Jonathan Hoppe, Co-Founder of Total Uptime // Read case study


FAQ: IaaS monitoring



1. What is IaaS?

Cloud computing involves the provision of IT resources via the Internet. Depending on what’s in the cloud, a distinction is made between:

  • SaaS (Software as a Service): cloud-based execution of software applications.
  • PaaS (Platform as a Service): a cloud-based platform for the developers of applications.
  • IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service): the provision of all the IT resources required for a data center in the cloud.

An IaaS infrastructure in the cloud has all the components of an on-premises IT infrastructure, including network devices (routers, switches, etc.), databases, backup and storage systems, virtual machines, and more.

2. What are the benefits of IaaS?

More and more small to medium-sized companies still in the take-off stages (or with fluctuating needs for networks, servers, or storage systems) are doing away with physical data centers and expensive hardware. Instead, they’re opting for infrastructures in the cloud. There’s a good reason for this: IaaS solutions are extremely cost-efficient.

You only use (and pay for) the resources you need. What’s more, the service provider handles the maintenance of the cloud-based infrastructure. This can save lots of money – not to mention time and stress.

Nevertheless, you’ll still be responsible for installing and maintaining the software. But this can also be simplified with IaaS monitoring.

3. What are IaaS monitoring tools?

IaaS monitoring tools are software applications that monitor your IT infrastructure in the cloud. If you opt for IaaS, a comprehensive and all-in-one monitoring tool like PRTG will let you conveniently monitor your cloud infrastructure – without compromising on performance, flexibility, or features.

4. Which IT components can I monitor?

For on-premises systems, you can monitor all the regular health and performance indicators. With cloud-based systems, however, the respective service provider may restrict access to some of the values you wish to monitor.

For each system, draw up a list of values to be monitored. This list will depend on your requirements (and expectations) with regard to the performance of the various infrastructure components.

Here are some of the values that can be measured with infrastructure monitoring tools:

5. What is a sensor in PRTG?

In PRTG, “sensors” are the basic monitoring elements. One sensor usually monitors one measured value in your network, for example the traffic of a switch port, the CPU load of a server, or the free space on a disk drive.
On average, you need about 5-10 sensors per device or one sensor per switch port.

Still not convinced?


More than 500,000
sysadmins love PRTG

Paessler PRTG is used by companies of all sizes. Sysadmins love PRTG because it makes their job a whole lot easier.


Monitor your entire IT infrastructure

Bandwidth, servers, virtual environments, websites, VoIP services – PRTG keeps an eye on your entire network.


Try Paessler PRTG
for free

Everyone has different monitoring needs. That’s why we let you try PRTG for free.


Paessler PRTG

Get started with IaaS monitoring with PRTG and discover how our software makes your IT infrastructure more reliable and your work easier.




Network Monitoring Software - Version (July 31st, 2024)


Download for Windows and cloud-based version PRTG Hosted Monitor available


English, German, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian, Japanese, and Simplified Chinese


Up to 100 sensors for free (Price List)

Unified Monitoring

Network devices, bandwidth, servers, applications, virtual environments, remote systems, IoT, and more

Supported Vendors & Applications

cisco logo grey 40 dell logo grey 40 hp logo grey 40 ibm grey40 netapp grey40 linux grey40 aws grey40 windows grey40 vmware grey40 citrix grey40 exchange grey40 apache grey40 oracle grey40