Paessler PRTG

Effective energy efficiency monitoring tool to optimize your energy consumption


  • Monitor UPSs, PDUs & more for full control over your energy usage
  • Identify trends and spikes in energy consumption
  • Detect unnecessary energy waste & save costs on energy

Our users give top ratings for monitoring with Paessler PRTG



PRTG makes energy efficiency monitoring easy

Custom alerts and data visualization make it easy to monitor energy consumption & optimize energy efficiency.



The challenge of implementing energy efficiency monitoring

Lack of processes & training

  • Energy management and cost accounting practices are often absent
  • Only a small number of staff works with the implementation of energy efficiency projects

No suitable legal framework

  • Unfavorable regulatory framework for energy efficiency measures
  • Procurement rules are often driven by the lowest price rather than the cost/benefit ratio

High costs of new technology

  • High cost of energy-saving technologies, design, and management
  • Difficulties with guarantee on investments in energy efficiency projects

Strict risk assessment

  • Energy efficiency projects can be perceived as too risky as they can affect productivity
  • Lack of confidence in obtaining energy savings as a result of energy-efficient projects

The solution: Benefit from comprehensive energy efficiency monitoring with PRTG

Use our powerful Paessler PRTG energy efficiency monitoring solution to collect & receive data from servers, server racks, whole server rooms, PDUs, UPSs, and more, and combine it centrally in a single pane of glass. This way, you always have an eye on your energy resource consumption – for more awareness of how to use available energy more efficiently.


  • Identify which components and devices consume excessive amounts of energy
  • Detect energy consumption spikes & determine energy consumption trends (weekly, seasonal, etc.)
  • Set targets to control energy usage & compare the amount of consumed energy with the set target
  • Forecast the amount of energy that will be used in the future
  • Create custom reports on how to reduce energy consumption
  • Recommend which energy-saving measures will help save energy resources

PRTG is compatible with all major vendors and manufacturers

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What energy efficiency monitoring looks like in PRTG

Diagnose network issues by continuously monitoring your energy efficiency. Show energy usage in real time and visualize data in graphic maps & dashboards to identify problems more easily. Gain the visibility you need to optimize energy efficiency and save energy resources.



Start energy efficiency monitoring with PRTG  and see how it can make your network more reliable and your job easier.


How PRTG will help you with your energy monitoring: 3 use cases

Control energy efficiency by monitoring PDUs

One way to monitor energy consumption is the use of intelligent, metered power distribution units (PDUs) that you can easily integrate with PRTG. This way, you can determine the energy usage of your entire infrastructure as well as the consumption of each connected device.

Monitor, for example, amperage, current, voltage, phase angle, and set custom thresholds to be alerted before something critical happens to your PDUs. This not only helps reduce costly downtime, but also saves energy costs as you can avoid unnecessary energy consumption, for example by standby devices.

Increase energy efficiency by monitoring UPSs

Monitoring your uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) cannot be underestimated. You can’t guarantee server uptime, for example, if a server is connected to an under-powered UPS that already runs at full capacity even without an impending power outage.

Set up PRTG to monitor your UPS systems with preconfigured PRTG sensors. Keep an eye on, for example, input & output voltage, battery status & remaining battery time, or overall uptime. If there is a voltage fluctuation or a power failure, PRTG immediately alerts you so that can react quickly before the issue becomes business critical.

Optimize energy efficiency in your entire data center

As the operation of data centers needs huge amounts of energy, which is very cost intensive, data center operators usually want to distribute the available energy as efficiently as possible among their data center infrastructure.

Data center is not only includes network devices, but also aspects such as emergency lighting and air conditioning, or environmental values like temperature and humidity. Use, for example, the preconfigured Modbus sensors that come with every PRTG license out of the box. The collected information can help you to reduce energy waste and ensure suitable power distribution conditions.


Discover some preconfigured PRTG sensors for monitoring energy efficiency



 i How PRTG defines sensors

In PRTG, “sensors” are the basic monitoring elements. One sensor usually monitors one measured value in your network, e.g. the traffic of a switch port, the CPU load of a server, the free space of a disk drive. On average you need about 5-10 sensors per device or one sensor per switch port.

View video (3:26 min.)


HTTP IoT Push Data Advanced

The HTTP IoT Push Data Advanced sensor displays data from messages that are received from IoT-capable devices and pushed via an HTTPS request to PRTG.

It provides a URL that you can use to push messages to the probe system via HTTPS (secured with TLS 1.2).

NetApp System Health v2

The NetApp System Health v2 sensor monitors the health of a NetApp cDOT or ONTAP storage system, for example:

  • CPU load
  • Failed fans
  • Failed power supplies
  • NVRAM battery status
  • Temperature status

Modbus RTU Custom

The Modbus RTU Custom sensor connects to a Modbus RTU server and monitors up to ten returned numeric values, for example:

  • Temperature
  • Humidity

Modbus TCP Custom

The Modbus TCP Custom sensor connects to a Modbus TCP server and monitors up to ten returned numeric values, for example:

  • Voltage
  • Available memory
  • Operating status

Redfish Power Supply

The Redfish Power Supply sensor monitors the power supply of a Redfish-capable server, for example:

  • Input voltage
  • Input & output watts
  • Power efficiency
  • Power supply status

Redfish System Health

The Redfish System Health sensor monitors the the system health of a Redfish-capable server, for example:

  • Fan status
  • PCIe device status
  • Power supply status
  • System power status
  • Thermal status

Easily find the source of the problem with our PRTG energy efficiency monitoring solution

Real-time alerts and custom notifications make it easy to solve issues with energy efficiency.



Your energy efficiency monitoring at a glance – even on the go

Set up PRTG in minutes and use it on almost any mobile device.


PRTG comes with all the features you need, plus more your IT infrastructure won't want to live without.



PRTG monitors these vendors and applications in one view!


vendors vm ware



4 reasons why you should use PRTG as your energy efficiency monitoring tool

Our PRTG energy efficiency monitoring solution provides important information that helps you to control and reduce energy consumption.

Detect bad equipment performance

With energy efficiency monitoring of PRTG, you can monitor equipment performance and detect hardware that’s operating inefficiently du to power, voltage, or environmental issues such as temperature or humidity. This makes it possible to repair or replace old or faulty equipment and reduce not only unnecessary energy consumption, but also save energy costs.

Track excessive energy consumption

Real-time monitoring of energy efficiency with PRTG helps you to instantly find out about equipment failure, which prevents excessive energy consumption. With our 24/7 monitoring, you can also predict when maintenance is needed. This way, your equipment can operate longer and with fewer breakdowns.

Determine energy consumption trends

PRTG energy monitoring makes it easy to identify trends and spikes in energy consumption. Thanks to this, energy managers can make decisions that will reduce resource consumption and plan possible actions during predicted energy consumption spikes.

Reduce energy demand and save costs

Monitoring energy efficiency in real time allows you to estimate the cost of a unit of energy. Based on this data, you can manage your energy usage to reduce costs. Moreover, the profitability of production often depends on energy prices and supply. By monitoring energy usage, you can reduce energy demand and have more control over your energy spendings.


PRTG makes energy efficiency monitoring easy

Custom alerts and data visualization make it easy to monitor energy consumption & optimize energy efficiency.



Trusted by 500,000 users and recognized by industry analysts as a leader



“Save two working
weeks per year”


“All-around winning
network monitor”

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“The real beauty of PRTG is the endless possibilities it offers”


“Outstanding cloud


quote outline white

“For us, PRTG Network Monitor is the most effective tool for monitoring our IT infrastructure in the long run.”

Oliver Jähn, IT Manager at the University of Bonn


Create innovative solutions with Paessler’s partners

Partnering with innovative vendors, Paessler unleashes synergies to create
new and additional benefits for joined customers.

IP Fabric

Combining the broad monitoring feature set of PRTG with IP Fabric’s automated network assurance creates a new level of network visibility and reliability.

Read more


Paessler and Plixer provide a complete solution adding flow and metadata analysis to a powerful network monitoring tool.

Read more


With ScriptRunner, Paessler integrates a powerful event automation platform into PRTG Network Monitor.

Read more


Start energy efficiency monitoring with PRTG and see how it can make your data center more reliable and your job easier.



Energy efficiency monitoring: FAQ


1. What is energy efficiency?

Energy efficiency means using less energy to do the same work and get the same result. Increasing the energy efficiency of buildings, electronic devices, production, etc. allows you to significantly reduce electricity consumption, which in turn not only reduces the amount of harmful emissions into the environment but also reduces costs.

2. What is energy efficiency monitoring?

Energy efficiency monitoring is the process of collecting, processing, saving, and visualizing energy consumption metrics of all types (electricity, gas, heat, oil, and compressed air). It allows you to get detailed information about the energy needs of a system.

With energy efficiency monitoring, you can analyze detailed energy usage data over a period of time, find devices and components that consume a lot of energy, and improve their efficiency.

3. How do you measure energy efficiency?

When energy is used by various devices, part of the initial energy is dissipated. Energy efficiency is the ratio of useful energy (energy used to perform some useful work) to all energy expended (this includes dissipated energy).

4. What is an energy efficiency monitoring tool?

An energy efficiency monitoring tool is a software that collects energy consumption data, analyzes it, and displays useful information to its users. This information can be viewed in different forms, for example, tables, graphs, or charts.

The main purpose of using energy efficiency monitoring tools is to control and reduce the amount of energy use, which helps to:

  • reduce costs
  • reduce being dependent on specific energy resources
  • reduce emissions of harmful substances into the air

5. What is a sensor in PRTG?

In PRTG, “sensors” are the basic monitoring elements. One sensor usually monitors one measured value in your network, for example the traffic of a switch port, the CPU load of a server, or the free space on a disk drive.

On average, you need about 5-10 sensors per device or one sensor per switch port.


PRTG the multi-tool

PRTG: The multi-tool for sysadmins

Adapt PRTG individually and dynamically to your needs and rely on a strong API:

  • HTTP API: Access monitoring data and manipulate monitoring objects via HTTP requests
  • Custom sensors: Create your own PRTG sensors for customized monitoring
  • Custom notifications: Create your own notifications and send action triggers to external systems
  • REST Custom sensor: Monitor almost everything that provides data in XML or JSON format


PRTG makes energy efficiency monitoring easy

Custom alerts and data visualization make it easy to monitor energy consumption & optimize energy efficiency.




We asked: would you recommend PRTG?
Over 95% of our customers say yes!


Paessler conducted trials in over 600 IT departments worldwide to tune its network monitoring software closer to the needs of sysadmins.
The result of the survey: over 95% of the participants would recommend PRTG – or already have.


Recommend PRTG


Still not convinced?




More than 500,000
sysadmins love PRTG

Paessler PRTG is used by companies of all sizes. Sysadmins love PRTG because it makes their job a whole lot easier.


Monitor your entire IT infrastructure

Bandwidth, servers, virtual environments, websites, VoIP services – PRTG keeps an eye on your entire network.


Try Paessler PRTG
for free

Everyone has different monitoring needs. That’s why we let you try PRTG for free.


Paessler PRTG 

Start energy efficiency monitoring with PRTG and see how it can make your data center more reliable and your job easier.




Network Monitoring Software - Version (September 25th, 2024)


Download for Windows and cloud-based version PRTG Hosted Monitor available


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Up to 100 sensors for free (Price List)

Unified Monitoring

Network devices, bandwidth, servers, applications, virtual environments, remote systems, IoT, and more

Supported Vendors & Applications

cisco logo grey 40 dell logo grey 40 hp logo grey 40 ibm grey40 netapp grey40 linux grey40 aws grey40 windows grey40 vmware grey40 citrix grey40 exchange grey40 apache grey40 oracle grey40