PRTG Manual: SSH Remote Ping v2 Sensor
The SSH Remote Ping v2 sensor remotely monitors the connectivity between a system running Linux/macOS and another device using Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo requests ("ping") and Secure Shell (SSH).
This sensor is in beta status. The operating methods and the available settings are still subject to change. Do not expect that all functions work properly, or that this sensor works as expected at all.
For a detailed list and descriptions of the channels that this sensor can show, see section Channel List.
- Dutch: SSH Remote Ping v2
- French: SSH Remote Ping v2
- German: SSH Remote Ping v2
- Japanese: SSH Remote Ping v2
- Portuguese: SSH Remote Ping v2
- Russian: SSH Remote Ping v2
- Simplified Chinese: SSH Remote Ping v2
- Spanish: SSH Remote Ping v2
Consider the following remarks and requirements for this sensor:
Remark |
Description |
This sensor requires that the Beta Sensors experimental feature is enabled.
Credentials |
This sensor requires credentials for Linux/Solaris/macOS (SSH/WBEM) systems in the settings of the parent device. |
Distributions |
This sensor does not support all Linux/Unix and macOS distributions. |
IPv6 |
This sensor supports IPv6. |
Performance impact |
This sensor has a low performance impact. |
Multi-platform probe |
You can add this sensor to a multi-platform probe. |
Knowledge Base |
The sensor has the following default tags that are automatically predefined in the sensor's settings when you add the sensor:
- ssh
- pingsensor
- remotepingsensor
- sshremotepingsensor
For more information about basic sensor settings, see section Sensor Settings.
Setting |
Description |
Target |
Enter the Domain Name System (DNS) name or IP address of the target device the ping is sent to. The sensor remotely connects to the parent device it is created on via SSH, then performs a ping request from this remote device to the target device or server. Enter a string. |
Packet Size (Bytes) |
Enter the packet size for the ping in bytes. You can enter any value between 1 and 10000. Enter an integer.
Ping Count |
Enter the number of packets that the sensor sends with each scanning interval. |
Custom Parameters |
Optionally, enter additional parameters that the sensor adds at the end of the ping command. Enter a string or leave the field empty.
Setting |
Description |
Connection Timeout (Sec.) |
Define a timeout in seconds for the connection. This is the time that the sensor waits to establish a connection to the host. Keep this value as low as possible. The maximum timeout value is 300 seconds (5 minutes). Enter an integer.
Shell Timeout (Sec.) |
Define a timeout in seconds for the shell response. This is the time in seconds the sensor waits for the shell to return a response after it has sent its specific command (for example, cat /proc/loadavg). The maximum value is 300 seconds (5 minutes). Enter an integer.
SSH Port Inheritance |
Define which port this sensor uses for the SSH connection:
Custom SSH Port |
This setting is only visible if you select Do not inherit port (enter a custom SSH port) above. Enter the port number (between 1 and 65535) that this sensor uses for the SSH connection. The default port number is 22. Enter an integer. |
Setting |
Description |
Primary Channel |
Select a channel from the list to define it as the primary channel. In the device tree, PRTG displays the last value of the primary channel below the sensor's name. The available options depend on what channels are available for this sensor.
Graph Type |
Define how this sensor shows different channels:
Stack Unit |
This setting is only visible if you select Stack channels on top of each other above. Select a unit from the list. PRTG stacks all channels with this unit on top of each other. By default, you cannot exclude single channels from stacking if they use the selected unit. However, there is an advanced procedure to do so. |
Setting |
Description |
Result Handling |
Define what PRTG does with the sensor result:
By default, all of these settings are inherited from objects that are higher in the hierarchy. We recommend that you change them centrally in the root group settings if necessary. To change a setting for this object only, click under the corresponding setting name to disable the inheritance and to display its options.
For more information, see section Inheritance of Settings.
Which channels the sensor actually shows might depend on the target device, the available components, and the sensor setup.
Channel |
Description |
Avg. Response |
The average response time measured from the remote device |
Downtime |
In the channel table on the Overview tab, this channel never shows any values. PRTG uses this channel in graphs and reports to show the amount of time in which the sensor was in the Down status. |
Max. Response |
The maximum response time measured from the remote device |
Min. Response |
The minimum response time measured from the remote device |
Packet Loss |
The packet loss (%)
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