Welcome to the PRTG for iOS application video.
Today I'm going to show you how you can add a new account into the PRTG for iOS app and show you around the app a little bit as well. The first thing I want to do is add a new account for your application. So once you have your account put into the PRTG for iOS app, you can click on the menu and see the different views that you have available here, you can see the devices that are in your installation, the libraries that you've created, your different sensors and alarms, different maps that you have created, the reports, you can run them as well as the ones that have already been run, you can also look at the logs for your PRTG installation, you can also see the tickets. If you want to go down to the sensor level, you can also click on the sensors directly. So at this level you can click on sensor itself and see the different channels that are there available. Also this level you can see the graphs for the sensor. At the top you can also pause a sensor, change the priority for the sensor and mark as a favorite in an instance. The other menu button that's here also allows you to mail a link to it to have the sensor check the metric now, you can look at the logs to the sensor you can comment on the sensor, change settings for the sensor, make a new ticket for the sensor and look at the historic data. If you want to see all the sensors that you favorite in you can also click here on this button and you'll see all sensors that you have classified as a favorite. So at the bottom of the screen you also can see the different status icons for your different sensors, you can see how many sensors are in the different states. You can click on any one of them and go to the specific sensors that are in an error warning status. If you do have specific sensors that are in an error status that you want to acknowledge. You can click on it and acknowledge it. Something else that is really nice about the iOS app is the maps feature. So as I have said before, from the menu you can actually look at the logs for PRTG there's something wrong with the PRTG server itself or one of the probes you can see it specifically on your phone. Also from the menu in the PRTG for iOS app you can do a ping from your PRTG installation to any devices on your network, you can scan a QR code if you have printed one of those out and put them on your devices. Here also could come a news button. In the PRTG for iOS app and see the news from Paessler. If you have any issues with the iOS app or you wanna just contact support for any other reason you can also do it at the iOS app. If you have one of the cool new apple watches you can receive them directly on that device as well. So the link for this application you can find on our website at paessler.com or you can go directly to the app store and download it from there.