Give your customers more!
You sell software and hardware to your customers while consulting them on the best options for their needs.
Take the next step and offer a network monitoring solution that will help your customers even more; a solution that will assure them that all their software and hardware is running smoothly and their entire network is performing at its best.
Three key benefits for entering
the monitoring market with PRTG
Create new
Monitoring is a young and growing market with a lack of qualified experts. Most projects are complex and require expertise in networks and monitoring. Customers look for competent and trustworthy partners who will guide them in their decision and help them set up a reliable monitoring solution.
PRTG is the perfect solution for a quick entry into the monitoring market and a long-standing relationship. It is a user friendly monitoring solution that allows you to focus on what you do best: monitoring and consulting, without the need for long-term solution training and practice. Open the door to new customers with our monitoring software!
Create customer
Monitoring projects create enduring business relationships: once you've installed a monitoring system, you will be the expert for the entire network - a great base for a lasting relationship!
PRTG Network Monitor helps you with ongoing reporting, in-depth views and all the information you need. With PRTG you will be the one who knows your customers' networks better than anyone else, making you the perfect strategic partner for your customer.
Create up and cross selling opportunities
Once you start monitoring with PRTG, we guarantee your customers will want more. They will want to expand to multiple sites, monitor websites, email, VoIP, virtual environments, and more. This creates the opportunity to sell upgrades and diversify your solution. Monitoring can identify weaknesses in other areas too, such as hardware, security issues or failures in their network; providing you with cross-selling opportunities.
PRTG Network Monitor offers many features and functionalities in a single, comprehensive monitoring tool. Let PRTG create new opportunities for you!
Do you still have questions?
Please contact for more information about your opportunities.