I want to monitor system parameters like CPU load and memory on a Linux or UNIX system via SNMP. How does PRTG support this?
FeedHow do I monitor system parameters like memory, CPU and disks on Linux systems via SNMP?
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This article applies to PRTG Network Monitor 13 or later, as well as to previous (deprecated) versions
1. Install the SNMP daemon on the Linux Server
Please see the articles Checklist: Setting up SNMP on Linux and How do I install the SNMP daemon on Linux machines? for instructions.
2. Creating sensors in PRTG Network Monitor
- Create a device for the Linux machine you want to monitor (enter this computer's IP address or DNS name).
- On this device, create Linux sensors which are natively available in PRTG. You can find a list of the out-of-the-box sensors in the PRTG Manual.
- Alternatively, you can add an SNMP Library sensor. Please follow the instructions below:
- From the appearing menu window (drop-down menu in older PRTG versions), select the Basic linux library (ucd-snmp-mib).oidlib SNMP library file.
- Click on OK ("Continue to step 2" in older PRTG versions)
- On the next page you will see a list of available sensors. Select the sensors you want to monitor by marking the according checkboxes. PRTG will create one sensor for each marked Library OID.
3. Available Sensors of the Basic Linux Library (UCD-SNMP-MIB)
Here is a list of sensors that the Basic Linux Library supports. You may see less entries on your servers. This depends on the OS, your system and the (security) settings inside the NET-SNMP daemon.
Entries marked as "Table: yes" will provide the measured value for several items (e.g. for each CPU, disk or network card).
Group: "Processes"
Update: We now strongly recommend the following approach instead:
- Monitoring processes in Linux Using the approach below is still possible, but the deployed sensors aren't as reliable as the ones from the link above.
Sensor name | Table? | Meaning |
Processes Index | yes | Reference Index for each observed process. |
Processes Count | yes | The number of current processes running with the name in question. |
Processes Error Flag | yes | A Error flag to indicate trouble with a process. It goes to 1 if there is an error, 0 if no error. |
Group: "Memory"
Sensor name | Table? | Meaning |
Memory Total Swap | no | Total Swap Size configured for the host. |
Available Swap Space | no | Available Swap Space on the host. |
Memory Total Real | no | Total Real/Physical Memory Size on the host. |
Available Real/Physical Memory | no | Available Real/Physical Memory Space on the host. |
Memory Total Swap used by text | no | Total virtual Memory used by text. |
Active virtual Memory used by text | no | Active virtual Memory used by text. |
Memory Total Real used by text | no | Total Real/Physical Memory Size used by text. |
Active Real/Physical Memory used by text | no | Active Real/Physical Memory Space used by text. |
Memory Total Free | no | Total Available Memory on the host. |
Memory Shared | no | Total Shared Memory |
Memory Buffered | no | Total Buffered Memory |
Memory Cached | no | Total Cached Memory |
Memory Swap Error Flag | no | Error flag. 1 indicates very little swap space left |
Group: "Disk"
Sensor name | Table? | Meaning |
Disk index | yes | Integer reference number (row number) for the disk mib. |
Disk minimum | yes | Minimum space required on the disk (in kBytes) before the errors are triggered. Either this or dskMinPercent is configured via the agent's snmpd.conf file. |
Disk min percent | yes | Percentage of minimum space required on the disk before the errors are triggered. Either this or dskMinimum is configured via the agent's snmpd.conf file. |
Disk total | yes | Total size of the disk/partion (kBytes) |
Disk avail | yes | Available space on the disk |
Disk used | yes | Used space on the disk |
Disk percent | yes | Percentage of space used on disk |
Disk percent node | yes | Percentage of inodes used on disk |
Disk error flag | yes | Error flag signaling that the disk or partition is under the minimum required space configured for it. |
Group: "System Stats"
Sensor name | Table? | Meaning |
System Memory Swapped In | no | Amount of Memory swapped in from disk (kB/s). |
System Memory Swapped Out | no | Amount of Memory swapped to disk (kB/s). |
System IO sent (deprecated) | no | Blocks sent to a block device (blocks/s). Deprecated, replaced by the ssIORawSent object |
System IO received (deprecated) | no | Blocks received from a block device (blocks/s). Deprecated, replaced by the ssIORawReceived object |
System Interrupts (deprecated) | no | The number of interrupts per second, including the clock. Deprecated, replaced by ssRawInterrupts |
System Context Switches (deprecated) | no | The number of context switches per second. Deprecated, replaced by ssRawContext |
System CPU user (deprecated) | no | percentages of user CPU time. Deprecated, replaced by the ssCpuRawUser object |
System CPU system (deprecated) | no | percentages of system CPU time. Deprecated, replaced by of the ssCpuRawSystem object |
System CPU idle (deprecated) | no | percentages of idle CPU time. Deprecated, replaced by of the ssCpuRawIdle object |
System CPU raw user | no | user CPU time in ticks per second, as reported by the kernel. Total ticks is 100xNumber of Processors. For single processor machine numbers will appear to be percentages as the kernel will tally ticks at 100 per second. |
System CPU raw nice | no | nice CPU time in ticks per second, as reported by the kernel. Total ticks is 100xNumber of Processors. For single processor machine numbers will appear to be percentages as the kernel will tally ticks at 100 per second. |
System CPU raw system | no | system CPU time in ticks per second, as reported by the kernel. Total ticks is 100xNumber of Processors. For single processor machine numbers will appear to be percentages as the kernel will tally ticks at 100 per second. |
System CPU raw idle | no | idle CPU time in ticks per second, as reported by the kernel. Total ticks is 100xNumber of Processors. For single processor machine numbers will appear to be percentages as the kernel will tally ticks at 100 per second. |
System CPU raw wait | no | iowait CPU time in ticks per second, as reported by the kernel. Total ticks is 100xNumber of Processors. For single processor machine numbers will appear to be percentages as the kernel will tally ticks at 100 per second. This is primarily a SysV thingie |
System CPU raw kernel | no | kernel CPU time in ticks per second, as reported by the kernel. Total ticks is 100xNumber of Processors. For single processor machine numbers will appear to be percentages as the kernel will tally ticks at 100 per second. |
System CPU raw interrupt | no | interruptlevel CPU time. in ticks per second, as reported by the kernel. Total ticks is 100xNumber of Processors. For single processor machine numbers will appear to be percentages as the kernel will tally ticks at 100 per second. This is primarily a BSD thingie |
System IO raw sent | no | Number of blocks sent to a block device |
System IO raw received | no | Number of blocks received from a block device |
System Raw Interrupts | no | Number of interrupts processed |
System Raw Context Switches | no | Number of context switches |
System CPU raw soft irq | no | Soft IRQ CPU time. in ticks per second, as reported by the kernel. Total ticks is 100xNumber of Processors. For single processor machine numbers will appear to be percentages as the kernel will tally ticks at 100 per second. This is for Linux 2.6 |
System Raw Blocks Swapped In | no | Number of blocks swapped in |
System Raw Blocks Swapped In | no | Number of blocks swapped out |
Group "CPU Load"
Sensor name | Table? | Meaning |
CPU Load (1 minute average) | no | The load average is the system load over a period of time. An idle computer has a load number of 0. Each proceSystem that is using CPU, waiting for CPU or is in uninterruptible sleep (usually waiting for disk activity) adds 1 to the load number. |
CPU Load (5 minute average) | no | The load average is the system load over a period of time. An idle computer has a load number of 0. Each proceSystem that is using CPU, waiting for CPU or is in uninterruptible sleep (usually waiting for disk activity) adds 1 to the load number. |
CPU Load (15 minute average) | no | The load average is the system load over a period of time. An idle computer has a load number of 0. Each proceSystem that is using CPU, waiting for CPU or is in uninterruptible sleep (usually waiting for disk activity) adds 1 to the load number. |
See Also
Created on Feb 12, 2010 3:06:36 PM by
Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]
Last change on Nov 1, 2018 11:08:06 AM by
Luciano Lingnau [Paessler]
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